Enter your information in the form below to begin the process of reactivating your account.
It is important that the information you provide is the same as what you used when you originally created your online account.
Denotes a required field *.
(Legal) First Name |
Names may only contain letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces. 35 characters max, no initials.
Please use only alphabetic characters, apostrophes and dashes, no special characters, no initials.
(Legal) Last Name |
Names may only contain letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and spaces. 35 characters max, no initials.
Please use only alphabetic characters, apostrophes and dashes, no special characters, no initials.
Birth Date |
Valid birth date required.
Send Email to this Address |
Must not be an '@ata' address.
Must not be an '@teachers' address.
The home email address cannot be associated with a school or school board domain
Select Your Current Local |
We want to ensure your account reactivation process is as safe and secure as possible. For this reason, please enter the characters seen below.
Begin Reactivate Account